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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Alpha & IFFs
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Date: Wed, 12 Jul 95 22:02:49 PDT
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Adam Chrysite writes:
>On Wed, 12 Jul 1995 MADVIDEO@delphi.com wrote:
>> I have a Nekotech Mach1A Alpha with PreRelease LW. When I try & load a
>> compressed IFF it says cannot decompress image and it skips the image. I ha
>I've never heard of a compressed IFF before..has amiga changed that much
>since i left????
Almost every IFF image is Run Length encoded. For the most part, this
is A Good Thing.
Note: TGA files support compression, but LW 4.0 PR does not do it.
This is why all TGA files of the same resolution/depth are the same
size. This is a real drag, since they take up more space, but OTOH
the saver plug-ins will address this and many other format problems,
Anyway, if disk space is at a premium on your system, try to use a
utility to losslessly compress your renders. Usually simply re-saving
them in TGA will do the trick.
>I'm just following my GROOVE and spreading happiness :)